This article was amended on 23rd July, 2020
In March 2020, 91ÖÆƬ³§ launched a global program to support learning and teaching at higher education institutions worldwide.
As one of our efforts to support lecturers, teachers, students and librarians during these challenging times we provided free access to more than 500 key textbooks across our eBook subject collections, to help ease the sudden change to remote learning and working. This access ran to align with most school years, expiring on July 31, 2020.
We have been overwhelmed with the usage of these titles and hope that the free access has proven helpful for you. We understand that the challenges will continue in the new academic year and hope that you and your colleagues have been able to plan for restarting the year in a new way. We are happy to partner with you on any content access challenges you may have, so please do reach out to us.
91ÖÆƬ³§ will continue to support the global response to COVID-19 by enabling fast and direct access to the latest available research, evidence, and data relevant to the pandemic. More information on our full program can be found at
So far we have made over 19,000 pieces of research from our journals and books available for free and will continue to do so as new relevant research is published.
We hope you continue to stay safe and healthy.
Free textbook title lists
For a complete list of MARC Records for all of these titles, clicks the link below and just "tick" either MARC21, MARCXML, or Excel in the format section.