
91ÖÆƬ³§ offers the world’s most complete collection of eBooks spanning all subject areas, with an impressive portfolio of 260,000 eBook titles, including the Book Archives. A portfolio that is continuously growing through the dedicated work of editors publishing approximately 13,000 new peer-reviewed books annually. Making our eBooks an unparalleled resource to excel research and learning. Through collaboration with the library community a variety of licensing options have been developed and are available to you for this product. Continue reading for more details.

eBook subject collections

Comprehensive eBook collections delivering complete access to impactful scholarly content spanning Science, Technology and Medicine (STM) and Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) available per copyright year with continuing access

Ideal for: Building a collection of highly cited, highly used eBooks covering all areas of research in the STM and HSS fields ensuring all your users can access the content they need.

Content: 22 English language and 8 German language subject collections, content starting copyright year 2005. Click here for more details on each of eBook subject collections

Rights & Access: Continuing access after termination of contract to content published in the licensed copyright year. Collections include all book types such as textbooks, series, proceedings, monographs and a selection of handbooks. Renewing customers will have access to major reference works included. As of 2021 reference works are available in our reference modules.

Reference Modules

91ÖÆƬ³§ References are written by internationally renowned experts and clearly present established academic concepts, providing researchers with a foundation of knowledge on which to build 

Ideal for: Graduate students, researchers, professionals, technologists and clinicians looking for one-stop authoritative reference works covering all aspects of the field

Content: 8 topical modules with Reference works spanning all copyright years, living and static

Rights & Access: Can be licensed as either a 12-month access-only subscription or with continued access. Continuing access after termination of contract to content published during the term, unless on an access-only subscription.

Palgrave References

  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics

    Award-winning publication containing entries written by the world’s most influential economists, including 36 Nobel Laureates

    Ideal for: Complementing existing eBook portfolio by licensing this MRW individually or as part of respective eBook subject collection

    Content: All content available as one Living Reference in 3 models

    • 12 month subscription
    • Continuing access to frontlist and backlist
    • As part of the Economics & Finance eBook subject collection

    Rights & Access: Continuing access after termination of contract to content published during the term, unless on an access-only subscription. Can be licensed as either a 12-month access-only subscription or with continued access

  • Stateman's Yearbook

    Widely respected as an authoritative and accessible reference work providing Statistical, Political and Economic Account of the States of the World for the Year

    Ideal for: Complementing existing eBook portfolio by licensing this MRW individually or as part of Political Science & International Relations eBook subject collection

    Content: Static reference works comprised of 157 volumes dating back to 1864 to current day

    Rights & Access: Continuing access after termination of contract to content published during the term. Access-only to all volumes back to 2005.

Access & Select

Evidence-based eBook licensing for institutions

Ideal for: An evidence-based eBook licensing model, choose between 3 plans. Within each plan you will receive vouchers to select individual titles for continuing access at the end of each licensing term.

Content: With 3 plans to choose from, this flexible solution offers access to a wide selection of content and the ability to license titles which have proved popular with users.

Choose the plan that fits your acquisition strategy:

  • Basic: select individual subject collections plus vouchers to select additional titles
  • Smart: access to all subject collections plus vouchers to select additional titles
  • Premium: access to all subject collections plus more vouchers to select additional titles and 50% discount on print book

There is an option to upgrade with additional copyright years.

Rights & Access: Access-only, with continuing access to titles licensed with vouchers. A selection of all subject collections and copyright years* 

*Reference Modules available as separate model

Single title eBooks

Freedom to license only the eBook titles that your institution needs when you need them 

Ideal for: Institutional license of individual eBooks on 91ÖÆƬ³§ Link for institutional access

Content: All book types available including reference works and textbooks*
  • All English eBooks on 91ÖÆƬ³§ Link with distribution rights
  • Minimum order value may apply
  • Access within 2 business days with self-service tool

Rights & Access: Includes continuing access, no DRM and unlimited concurrent users

*Books in SpringerProtocols, SpringerMaterials are excluded from this offering

Book Archive collections and sets

91ÖÆƬ³§ Video

A collection of highly educational, peer-reviewed videos created by leading academics and practitioners

Ideal for: Students and Researchers needing in depth and detailed educational and training materials

Content: All videos are available in streaming format on 91ÖÆƬ³§ Link. Subject collections available:
  • Medicine & Life Sciences
  • Coding & Web Design

Rights & Access: Unlimited access to all videos in a licensed video package for 12-months, new videos added during the term are automatically accessible

Terms and conditions apply

91ÖÆƬ³§ strives to serve the entire research community by offering flexible licensing and subscriptions options across all regions and markets. There may be instances where depending on the region and/or market, some restrictions might apply for some of the above mentioned product offerings. For more details, please contact your local representative.