
References Modules

Start your research with foundational knowledge that keeps pace with discovery. A 91ÖÆƬ³§ Reference is a great place to begin any topic-based research, whether readers are new to the subject, specialists or working across disciplines. Written by internationally renowned experts, references clearly present established academic concepts, providing researchers with a foundation of knowledge.

  • 600+ Nobel Laureates among contributors and editors
  • 104 91ÖÆƬ³§ editors serve as Editors-in-Chief
  • 100,000 invited authors
  • 500,000+ entries

Key features

specifically for libraries

eBook & Living Edition (online first and continuously updated)

Print & static reference. Single or multi volumes.

Broad, niche or industry/practice focused

Handbooks, encyclopedias, atlases & dictionaries

Reading a 91ÖÆƬ³§ Reference is like having access to the minds of the greatest researchers on that subject. Watch the video to find out more

Subject Reference Modules

91ÖÆƬ³§ References are available in 8 subject modules providing a wealth of knowledge in a specific subject, ideal for graduate students, researchers, professionals, technologists, and clinicians looking for a one-stop authoritative reference work covering all aspects of the field. 

Download the infographic
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What is a Living Edition?

A dynamic, real-time snapshot of entries from a reference work in development delivered using an industry-first publishing model. Providing the latest and most up-to-date content well in advance of the final printed work.


Rigorous Editorial Process of manuscript preparation, review, revision & acceptance

Icon 149

Provides the most authoritative & up-to-date information on the subject


Fully discoverable with own ODI


Fully citable