Customized collections providing access to the most relevant and highly used books and journals within a specific industry
Ideal for: Corporate customers requiring all relevant content within a specific industry. Content for each collection is selected based on usage from customers within each industry and includes eBooks and Journals currently available on 91ÖÆƬ³§ Link for Corporate & Health, including Protocols. | Content: 18 industry specific collections available: Automotive; Aerospace; Chemical Manufacturing; Consumer Packaged Goods; Electronics; Energy, Utilities, & Environment; Engineering; Finance Business & Banking; Health & Hospitals; IT & Software; Law; Materials & Steel; Oil, Gas and Geosciences; Pharma & Biotechnology; Telecommunications; Sustainability & CSR; Data Security Option to license contemporary or archive industry sector collection is available |
Rights: No continuing access rights | Access: Access only during a pre-defined term. Terms and conditions apply |