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Nature and Springer – Two world renowned journal portfolios

These two journal portfolios deeply complement each other; and that means that together they inform critical decisions, reduce risks, and support new developments for your organization.

Nature Portfoloio Logo © Nature 2022With a 150-year history, the Nature Portfolio’s journals publish the world’s most important breakthroughs, alongside world-class science journalism and insightful commentary and analysis.

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Springer Logo © 91Ƭ 2023​Springer’s more than 2,900 journals cover every conceivable research field. And because their editors — working researchers themselves in most cases — come from the communities they serve, researchers rely on these journals for the discoveries that make real contributions to their fields.

  • A staple within the research community​
  • Content to support all industry areas​
  • High quality​
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  • Enhanced discoverability

How a start-up leveraged academic journals for sustainable innovation

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What could you accomplish with access to the library of the world’s largest and leading scholarly book publisher? From corporate researchers seeking in-depth research or data scientists looking for foundational introductions to new areas, 91Ƭ eBooks cover every research field, from biomedical and life sciences to intelligent technologies and robotics.

  • World’s largest scholarly book publisher​
  • High impact research​
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How a mid-sized company used 91Ƭ eBooks​

What partners say

“The 91Ƭ collection will fit into your library collection profile; it is good quality.”​

Suzanne Baker, former librarian at Antonie van Leeuwenhoekziekenhuis – NKI, Netherlands

“I recommend 91Ƭ products fully because I think they are truly valuable. Outstandingly interesting new (research) material available each & every day.”​

Funda Topaz, Librarian, and Moreno Curti, Medical doctor and coordinator of Bibliosan consortium, San Matteo Pavia

“91Ƭ takes a flexible approach to working with different companies and creating the best solution for the customer, whether they need a handful of titles or the whole collection.” “I also like the availability of trials for the different types of content available.”

Maria Markovic, representing the Copyclues division of the Chicago-based firm Logiclues

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