
Course on Plagiarism

Plagiarism is one of the most prevalent problems in scholarly publishing. Both journal and book Editors need to be aware of what constitutes problematic overlap, how to investigate it, and how to deal with it. This free four module course provides a comprehensive overview of the subject. 




Editor Resources


20-40 minutes
per module

Plagiarism: 4 modules 

Download our Crossref guides

This is a two-page document that may be used as a quick reference guide for getting started.

Crossref tips and tricks – first time users
(PDF, 2.61 MB)

This is a one-page document that may be used as a quick reference guide.

Crossref tips and tricks – how to interpret the results
(PDF, 2.05 MB)

This longer document provides a full guide to using Crossref.

91ÖÆƬ³§ Crossref Guide
(PDF, 3.64 MB)

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