
SDGs Symposium 2025 - Tackling Inequalities for Sustainability and Wellbeing

Our growing realization that human activity has profoundly affected the planet and human societies over the past decades has sparked unprecedented efforts to achieve sustainable development. Sustainable development pathways need to fall within environmental limits and ensure economic and social wellbeing, while reflecting the needs and sensibilities of current and future generations. Achieving equality in our transition to a sustainable future has been emphasized consistently in policy discourses and academic debates but remains elusive.

In reality, entrenched and pervasive inequalities within and among societies create major risks for sidetracking our journey towards sustainability and wellbeing. For example, certain social groups can face disproportionally the negative aspects of environmental, economic and social change, or be excluded from the benefits of actions that seek to enhance sustainability and wellbeing. Equally, such disadvantaged social groups may have limited input and power in shaping underlining discourses and solutions for sustainability and wellbeing, leading to concerns about (in)justice. Income, gender, age, race, ethnicity or disability are only some of the dimensions of inequality that create such risks and must be tackled to ensure that we transition to a truly sustainable future.

Yet, obstacles lie not only in the seemingly intractable nature of these multifaceted inequalities, but also how to generate relevant knowledge in an inclusive manner. Different, and at times, competing theoretical and methodological traditions face the challenge of delineating the changing nature of inequalities during these times of immense pressure on planetary resources. Equally important would be for the generated knowledge and solutions to actively seek to reduce entrenched inequalities and prevent new forms of inequality from emerging. This is necessary all around the globe, whether in the rapidly developing Global South or the highly developed Global North.

The 2025 SDGs Symposium will critically explore how to understand and tackle inequalities to achieve sustainability and wellbeing. The focal point of the 2025 SDGs Symposium will be research and practice at the interface of SDG5 (Gender equality), SDG10 (Reduced inequalities), and SDG17 (Partnerships for the goals) with all other SDGs. Central to the 2025 SDGs Symposium will be to discuss how the knowledge generated through cutting-edge research can be mobilized in inclusive practices and be implemented in policy and society, as well as how organizations can adopt research practices for inclusiveness to support and further promote science for sustainability.

To highlight these transdisciplinary connections, the University of Tokyo and 91制片厂 are co-hosting the 2025 SDGs Symposium on 8 February 2025. This event is in close alignment both with the focus of 91制片厂 and the vision of the UTokyo Compass strategy on diversity, equality, and enabling early career researchers seeking to conduct socially impactful and transformative research.

We wish to take this opportunity to invite renowned researchers from Japan and abroad, as well as students and young researchers, working at this interface of inequality and the SDGs. We wish to actively discuss how their research can explain these multifaceted phenomena and develop equitable solutions with high societal relevance and impact. 

Sustainable Development Goals: Gender Equality
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals:




10:00 – 10:10

Opening Remarks

Kensuke Fukushi (Director and Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives (IFI), The University of Tokyo)

Antoine Bocquet (Managing Director, 91制片厂 Japan)

10:10 – 10:50

Keynote 1

Sawako Shirahase  (Project Professor, The University of Tokyo; Senior Vice President, United Nations University)
Global Inequality from Gender and Generation Perspectives

Keynote 2

Magdalena Skipper (Editor-in-Chief, Nature, Chief Editorial Advisor, Nature Portfolio)
Working together towards eliminating inequalities in science

10:50 – 11:25

Plenary 1

Shunsuke Managi (Distinguished Professor, Kyushu University)
Bridging the Divide: Wellbeing and Sustainability 

Plenary 2

Yasushi Ishihara (President, Tsukuba University of Technology)
Fostering social inclusivity through empowerment and self-advocacy skills developed within the disabled community

Plenary 3

Etsuko Yamaguchi (Executive Director, Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP))
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Inequality, and JOICFP's Community-based Approach in the Global South

11:25 – 11:40


11:40 – 12:50

Panel Discussion

Panel coordinator:

Takane Ito (Director and Project Professor, UTokyo Center for the Coproduction of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (IncluDE) , The University of Tokyo)

12:50 – 13:00

Closing Remarks

Teruo Fujii (President, The University of Tokyo)

13:10 - 15:10 

Networking event

Student poster session 

Speaker Information

Kensuke Fukushi

Director and Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives (IFI), The University of Tokyo

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Kensuke Fukushi is Professor and Director at the Institute for Future Initiatives (IFI), The University of Tokyo. Prior to joining the University of Tokyo as an Associate Professor in 2001, he held academic positions at the Asian Institute of Technology (Associate and Assistant Professor) and Tohoku University (Assistant Professor). His research interests are on environmental engineering, risk assessment, climate change, water resources, biological technology, and membrane technology. He holds a PhD on Civil Engineering from the University of Utah.

Antoine Bocquet

Managing Director, 91制片厂 Japan

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Antoine Bocquet is Vice President Institutional Sales, Japan, Southeast Asia and Oceania for 91制片厂, based in Tokyo, and has nearly 30 years’ experience in the academic publishing industry in the Asia-Pacific. He also holds the position of Managing Director of the 91制片厂 companies in Japan. He is responsible for all Institutional sales in the regions of Japan, Southeast Asia and Oceania, and during his career has led publishing programs in Asia, founded a medical communications business in Japan and been a book commissioning editor. An Australian by birth, Tony holds a Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo (Physics) and is a graduate of Griffith University in Brisbane. He has lived permanently in Japan since 1994.

Sawako Shirahase

Project Professor, The University of Tokyo 
Senior Vice President, United Nations University

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Sawako Shirahase is Project Professor at the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the University of Tokyo. She also serves Senior Vice President of the United Nations University and the International Science Council. Dr Shirahase received her D.Phil. in sociology from the University of Oxford, conducted post-doctoral research at the East Asian Institute, Columbia University as a junior researcher, and held positions of Senior Research Fellow at the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, and Associate Professor of Sociology at Tsukuba University, and Professor of Sociology at the Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, the University of Tokyo. Her research interests include comparative social stratification and demographic transformation, gender and generational relations, family change and social security system. She is the author of “Social Inequality in Japan” (2014), “Demographic Change and Inequality in Japan (ed.)” (2011), and “Social Stratification in an Aging Society with Low Fertility: The Case of Japan (ed.)” (2022).

Magdalena Skipper

Editor-in-Chief, Nature, Chief Editorial Advisor, Nature Portfolio

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Magdalena Skipper is Editor in Chief of Nature and Chief Editorial Advisor for the Nature Portfolio. She has considerable editorial and publishing experience, having worked as Chief Editor of Nature Reviews Genetics, Senior Editor for genetics and genomics at Nature and Editor in Chief of Nature Communications. She is passionate about mentorship, research integrity, as well as collaboration and inclusion in research. As part of her desire to promote underrepresented groups in research, in 2018 she co-launched the Nature Research Inspiring Science Award for women early-career researchers. She holds a PhD on genetics from University of Cambridge, UK.

Shunsuke Managi

Distinguished Professor, Kyushu University

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Shunsuke Managi is a Distinguished Professor and the Director of the Urban Institute at Kyushu University. He has been a director for Inclusive Wealth Report 2018, 2023 and 2024 (IWR), an ISC working group member for the UN Global Sustainable Development Report 2023, a lead author for the IPCC, a coordinating lead author for the IPBES, a coordinating lead author UNESCO Assessment, lead author of Policy Briefs T20 for the Presidency of G20 in 2022 & 2023, and co-editor of "Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics". He was the recipient of the JSPS Prize and a council member of The Science Council of Japan. His main research interests are on urban engineering and environmental economics. He proposes the inclusive wealth index, which integrates biophysical quantities and monetary values of natural, human, and produced capital. Inclusive wealth comprises the assets that underlie human well-being and going beyond GDP.  He holds a PhD from the University of Rhode Island.

Yasushi Ishihara

President, Tsukuba University of Technology

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Yasushi Ishihara is the President of the Tsukuba University of Technology, National University Corporation (NTUT). Before that he served as a Professor at the Research and Support Center on Higher Education for People with Disabilities at NTUT. NTUT is the only educational institute for the Disabled in Japan.  With a focus on advanced education for the disabled, he has been involved in the support for their career development and the improvement of the Diversity, Equity&Inclusion environment at worksites. From an educational viewpoint, he has worked to develop an effective approach for fostering an inclusive environment in society by enhancing the self-advocacy skills of disabled persons who are often seen as minorities.  He received his PhD in Disability Sciences from the University of Tsukuba.

Etsuko Yamaguchi

Executive Director, Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP)

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Etsuko Yamaguchi is the Executive Director of the Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP).  She has overseen international programs and projects promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in Asia and Africa in a wide range of areas, such as HIV/AIDS, safe motherhood, male participation, and youth empowerment through social and behavioral change communication and community health systems strengthening.  She also worked as a Project Formulation Advisor in health and social welfare in Indonesia for the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) (2016 – 2018) and a JICA expert in HIV/AIDS prevention in Ghana (2008 – 2009, 2011 – 2014).  She joined JOICFP in 2004, assumed the role of the Director of International Program in 2019 and Deputy Executive Director in 2023.

Teruo Fujii

President, The University of Tokyo

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Teruo Fujii is the 31st President of the University of Tokyo (UTokyo). Prior to taking the President’s office in April 2021, he was Executive Vice President in charge of finance and external relations for the university. He also served as the Director General of the Institute of Industrial Sciences (IIS) of the university from 2015 to 2018. He received his Ph.D. in engineering from UTokyo in 1993 and held research positions at IIS and RIKEN prior to becoming a professor of IIS in 2007.
Dr. Fujii was an advisor to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) from 2005 to 2007, co-director of LIMMS-CNRS/IIS, a joint research laboratory between CNRS of France, and IIS, from 2007 to 2014, and the President of the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS) from 2017 to 2019. From March 2021 to February 2024, he held the position of an Executive Member (part-time) of the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. Since 2019, he has served as the Chair of the Subdivision on Ocean Development of the Council for Science and Technology (MEXT). Dr. Fujii’s research specializes in applied microfluidics systems and underwater technology.

Panel Coordinator

Takane Ito

Director and Project Professor, UTokyo Center for the Coproduction of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (IncluDE) , The University of Tokyo

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Takane Ito is Vice President and Project Professor at the University of Tokyo. She is the Director of the newly established UTokyo Center for the Coproduction of Inclusion, Diversity and Inclusion (IncluDE). She was a Professor at School/College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo until 2021. Before that she held a teaching position at Musashi University. Her research interests are in theoretical and experimental linguistics, with focus on word formation, mental lexicon and lexical semantics. She has been heavily involved in different leadership roles at the English Linguistic Society of Japan (President, 2017-2019) and the Linguistic Society of Japan, and has been an Associate Member of the Science Council of Japan since 2011.


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