
Conversations on Gender Equality

Browse all interviews by names

  • A-C

    Featuring powerful female voices in all of their diversity - who through their work, advocacy, and influence have contributed towards the development in STEM research.

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    Agnieszka Wykowska

    Italian Institute of Technology & Lulea University of Technology

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    Alice Cline Parker

    Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California

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    Alice E. Smith

    Industrial and Systems Engineering & Computer Science and Software Engineering, Auburn University

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    Amy Neustein

    CEO, Linguistic Technology Systems

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    Anna Zakharova

    Berlin University of Technology

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    Antje Baeumner

    Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors, University of Regensburg

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    Chae-Ok Yun

    Bioengineering at Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea

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    Claudia Ratti

    Physics Department of the University of Houston

  • D-E

    Featuring powerful female voices in all of their diversity - who through their work, advocacy, and influence have contributed towards the development in STEM research.

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    Daniela Liggett

    University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand

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    Deanne Bird

    Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Iceland

    Debby Mangelings ? 91制片厂

    Debby Mangeling

    Department of Analytical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

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    Denise Su

    Cleveland Museum of Natural History

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    Eleftheria Papadimitriou

    Geophysics Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

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    Elena Tolkova

    Physics, Bellevue College

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    Elisa Collado Fregoso

    Managing Editor, SN Applied Sciences (Physics & Materials)

  • F-L

    Featuring powerful female voices in all of their diversity - who through their work, advocacy, and influence have contributed towards the development in STEM research.

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    Florence Hudson

    Founder & CEO, FDHint, LLC

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    Inka Mayer

    Department of Geology, University of Gent

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    Insa Thiele-Eich

    Meteorological Institute, University of Bonn

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    Jill S. Tietjen

    President and CEO of Technically Speaking

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    Kaori Fukunaga

    National Institute of Information and Communications Technology

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    Kimberly Woznack

    Department of Chemistry & Physics, California University of Pennsylvania

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    Laura Baudis

    Physics Department, University of Zurich

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    Leda Lunardi

    Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, North Carolina State University in Raleigh

  • M-N

    Featuring powerful female voices in all of their diversity - who through their work, advocacy, and influence have contributed towards the development in STEM research.

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    Magdalena Skipper

    Editor-in-Chief, Nature

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    Margaret Bailey

    Mechanical Engineering, Kate Gleason College of Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology

    Maria C. Moreno-Bondi ? 91制片厂

    Maria Cruz Moreno Bondi

    Analytical Chemistry Department, Complutense University of Madrid

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    Mariam Al-Maadeed

    Physics and Materials Sciences, Qatar University

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    Mayra Castro

    Senior Editor, Interdisciplinary Applied Science, Springer

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    Naama Goren-Inbar

    Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  • P-V

    Featuring powerful female voices in all of their diversity - who through their work, advocacy, and influence have contributed towards the development in STEM research.

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    Pamela M. Norris

    Engineering, University of Virignia

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    Sheila Lakshmi Steinberg

    Social and Environmental Sciences, Brandman University

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    Sherestha Saini

    Senior Editor, Environmental Sciences, Springer

    Sidonia Angom ? 91制片厂

    Sidonia Angom

    Constituent College of Agriculture, Gulu University, Karamoja, Uganda

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    Sonya Bahar

    Center for Neurodynamics
    Department of Physics and Astronomy
    University of Missouri at St Louis

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    V Anne Smith

    School of Biology, University of St Andrews
