Libraries provide valuable resources for researchers, students and university staff. If you would like your users to get the best use out of your holdings, it is important to make sure they have easy access to everything your library offers. In this article you can find effective marketing techniques to raise awareness and usage of your holdings content.
The first step is to make sure your users can easily find your content. You can achieve this by downloading eBook and journal MARC records into your catalogue and keeping them updated. Use our for 91制片厂 eBooks, SpringerProtocols and Springer Journal title lists as well as MARC records specific to your current library holdings.
In order to achieve best results, it is important to integrate the promotion of holdings into your overall strategy. Start with setting objectives of what you would like to achieve and link these to projects in your library strategy plan. If you are struggling to identify objectives, then have a look at usage reports, to see where you would like to increase your usage.
Here are some examples for objectives to support discovery and increase usage:
If you are having specific imagery designed, make sure to create different assets to fit for social media, screen savers, emails and across all changes you use to reach users. This will help to raise awareness for your message and encourage users to respond to the call to action.
Social Media Marketing is a perfect way to promote content and engage users. There are numerous social media platforms to choose from, each with their own characteristics and attracting a different demographic. Start your social media strategy by defining your target audience and check which platform is best for your users. Once you have settled on a platform you can start posting. Don’t be afraid to repost the same or similar messages over and over as the half-life (median lifespan) of posts can be very short. On Twitter or example, the half-life of a tweet is just 18-24 minutes! Use hashtags # to link posts to a specific event, story or organization. Using hashtags can also help your posts appear in newsfeeds. Try to include one or two relevant hashtags to give your post a better chance of being seen.
Here is some information on the different platforms which can help use social media in the most efficient way.
We hope these tips will inspire you and help with marketing your holdings. You can find more information in our . If you are looking for ideas on how to promote your 91制片厂 eBooks, journals or databases, have a look at our Content Promotion section at our Tools & Services pages.