91ÖÆƬ³§ is committed to increasing equity in open access and making OA publishing more accessible to all authors regardless of location or discipline. In addition to our established waiver and discount policy which supports authors in financial need, our TAs which enable authors from over 3,600 institutions globally to publish OA, and our exploration of different OA journal models via Cureus and many diamond journals, we are piloting a tiered APC pricing initiative on 64 of our journals.
How it works:
- Countries are allocated to a pricing tier (a percentage of the journal’s standard APC, ranging from 100% to 0%)
- The APC is set automatically upon an article’s acceptance, based on the corresponding author’s country of residence.
The pricing tiers have been created using information from a number of sources, including real-world availability of funding in any given country, as well as their historic waiver and discount needs. This means that no author will see a higher APC than they are already paying when existing waivers and discounts are taken into account.
The pilot runs alongside our standard APC waivers and discounts for financial need policy, meaning that authors may still request a further APC discount (on the adjusted APC for their country) on the ground of financial need via our standard process.
If you have any further questions, please contact: ORSupport@springernature.com